Let's Dive In.

The Lactation Business Coaching Deeper Dives are where we invite you to pull up a chair, order a drink, and join the conversation.

Our guests are all people we respect, admire, and enjoy—the kind of people we’d be cornering in between conference sessions to soak up their knowledge and inspiration.

We bet you're that kind of person, too, so when you come to a Deeper Dive you won't just be watching the experts, you'll be participating to encourage all of us out of your own experience and wisdom. 
Write your awesome label here.

The Magic Happens When You Show Up

We're Leah Jolly and Annie Frisbie, private practice IBCLCs and co-hosts of the Lactation Business Coaching podcast. Each month, we host a Deeper Dive live on Zoom, then make the recording available afterwards. 

Live Conversations

Connect with leading experts in lactation for professional development and community support.

Recording Archive

Brush up on skills with our past Dives. You'll always have access!


Many of our Deeper Dives offer CERPs towards recertification.


With our monthly Deeper Dive subscription, you'll get instant access for every new live.
Write your awesome label here.

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You'll get access to each month's Deeper Dive live event and recording at a discount--
plus our entire vault going back to January 2020!
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