Rachel O'Brien, MA, IBCLC, PMH-C

Last Call: Registration Closes 8/9/24

Access through September 9th, 2024

Open to learners carrying a valid lactation credential.
Other registrants are subject to refund minus a $50 processing fee.
Contact us if you have questions about your eligibility.

Guiding Bottle Breakthroughs

Bottle refusal seems to have skyrocketed in the past few years, leaving parents confused, anxious and awash in harmful or even dangerous advice from other parents and even medical professionals. 

As lactation professionals, we can help! 
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Rachel clearly and effortlessly describes why babies refuse bottles and how we can help these families. I now feel more confident to support my families going forward. 

Danielle Behr, IBCLC  

Rachel is a phenomenal instructor whose expertise and passion are evident in this course. The videos provided along with written materials are so helpful in practice. 

Tricia RN, IBCLC

This course has been one of the most helpful courses I’ve taken so far (and I’ve taken a lot of courses). Rachel shares her knowledge in a clear and understandable way and then provides helpful examples that solidify the information in a “real world” way. 100% recommend!

Piper Prach, IBCLC

Rachel is an amazing teacher. Her use of analogies really helped my neurospicy brain connect the dots. Everything was well thought out with videos which also were super beneficial to my learning. I would definitely recommend this class to any lactation professional who wants to elevate their practice. I am super pumped about this new tool in my IBCLC toolbox. 

Kaytee Crawford, IBCLC, CD, CST

I've had my eye on this course for months, and finally took the plunge when my own baby had bottle feeding issues (3 week old.) I had the wonderful experience of working through this course with my own baby as I was learning. Rachel told me exactly what was her specific issue in this course and how to fix it. I got to trial this first myself and I can say she was absolutely right! This course is life changing and worth every penny!

Paige Sochovka , IBCLC

As an IBCLC, I did not have the skill set to help my clients with bottle refusal. I feel so fortunate to have found this class! I feel competent and ready to help babies who are experiencing bottle refusal. Thank you Rachel for putting this together!

Teresa Munguia, IBCLC


Students will learn how the WHO Code and IBLCE codes relate to bottles and bottle feeding, how infant oral function relates to bottle feeding, how to identify the types of bottles that will best help each individual baby, and how to support the family through the process of creating a "bottle breakthrough" for their baby using a proven method that combines oral function exercises, feeding guidelines, and ongoing support.

By the end of this dynamic course learners will be able to confidently consult with families on bottle refusal issues and bottle feeding challenges, make appropriate recommendations based on the baby's needs, and refer baby up & out to the appropriate care providers when needed.

Meet your instructor

Rachel O'Brien, MA, IBCLC PMH-C

Rachel O'Brien is an IBCLC with a MA in human lactation who runs a busy private practice in Boston and specializes in bottle refusal. Rachel works 1:1 with families to help their babies learn to eat from the bottle, without tears.

Rachel will be giving individual feedback to assess your learning!

"I love it when the confusion clears and the families I work with realize that they know more than they think they do, and that their instincts are almost always right!"
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Rachel began her specialization in bottle refusal in 2019 and when the pandemic hit Rachel realized that bottle refusal had become a much more widespread feeding problem. Rachel developed a method for teaching parents how to re-frame their baby's "bottle refusal" and to work with their baby instead of against them. Rachel does 1:1 bottle refusal visits both in her office and virtually, and has worked with families across the USA and internationally. Rachel has presented on bottle refusal at national conferences and is known among parents and other professionals as a bottle wizard.  

Rave Reviews for Rachel

Guiding Bottle Breakthroughs is PURE GENIUS. From the WHO code, to bottle/nipple types, to oral anatomy, to helpful clinical videos, this class had it all!! 

Cara Banks, IBCLC

This has been one of the mode useful training session that I have received since starting my private lactation practice. 

Renee Neuens, RN IBCLC

I can not tell you how much I enjoyed this course. Rachel teaches in a way that makes everything so understandable. 

Kelly Menne, IBCLC

Bonus Content!

  • how to tailor your approach to virtual consults
  • exclusive suck training videos that you can share with your clients (these aren't posted publicly anywhere)
  • ethical marketing so you don't have to fear the WHO Code police
  • video library for quick reference to the oral exercises Rachel teaches you
  • Rachel's proprietary intake, charting, and care plan templates
  • self study with feedback from Rachel
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"AMAZING presentation from Rachel. Such great information, the video of the consult was so helpful to see her doing it in realtime. Fantastic resources available afterwards. I feel so much more confident in my ability to help parents with bottlefeeding problems." -- Ashley, IBCLC

Includes a real bottle refusal consult

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Rachel O'Brien has structured Guiding Bottle Breakthroghs to lead up to a full bottle refusal consult with a real family in real time.  Watch and learn as Rachel implements everything she's taught you in this 11 CERP course, including:
  • why parents need bottles (hint: it's not just about work)
  • everything to ask in a bottle refusal intake form
  • what baby assessments are crucial for understanding the whys of bottle refusal

  • how to teach the specific oral exercises for exactly what this baby needs
  • choosing the right bottles and nipples on a case-by-case basis
  • writing the perfect care plan to support families to reach their bottle feeding goals

"Rachel is AMAZING! She put together a wonderful educational experience, including videos and resources. You can tell that she put so much work in this. Her knowledge is spectacular. She made me feel more confident in my abilities to assist families with their feeding difficulties. This course was engaging and captivating. Thank you so much Rachel for spending time with us, and sharing your amazing knowledge!" -- Samantha, IBCLC

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Includes instructor feedback!

Rave Reviews for Rachel

This course is invaluable for helping families work through bottle refusal! Rachel exponentially increased my understanding of this often emotionally difficult process. She shares multiple videos and care plans that really help to understand the process. It is a total game changer for me in my practice!

 Jenna, CNM, IBCLC 

Rachel is a fantastic educator! Her class was clear, easy to follow, and has given me the confidence to start doing bottle specific consultations in my private practice. Her systematic approach is a great way to teach families, and I look forward to using the skills I have learned with my future clients. 

Angela, IBCLC

I learned so much from this course! I have taken classes on this topic before so I wasn't sure if I would learn anything new, but I came away with a much deeper understanding of bottle refusal and lots of new techniques that I am excited to implement in my practice. I really enjoyed the discussion of different bottle styles and why some work better than others in certain circumstances. 

Rebecca M. BSN, RN, IBCLC

Knowledge Gap

Understanding why babies "refuse" bottles and how to guide families through teaching their baby to effectively feed from the bottle



Students will know the reasons babies refuse bottles, and will be able to educate these issues to families to empower them to work WITH their babies and not AGAINST their babies by teaching about oral function, and guiding parents to understand what is causing the problem.


Students will be equipped to bust common bottle refusal myths that are dangerous for babies and stressful for parents, allowing parents to feel confident in the process and assured that their baby will not be harmed.


Students will be prepared to offer bottle refusal consults to their clients including a care plan and expectations for follow-up within a set time frame.

IBLCE Content Outline Areas

I Development and Nutrition

I A 1 feeding behaviors at different ages
I A 3 infant anatomy and anatomical/oral challenges
I A 7 normal infant behaviors
I A 10 skin tone, muscle tone, reflexes
I A 11 term development and growth 

III Pathology

III A 1 ankyloglossia
III A 3 congenital anomalies

V Psychology, Sociology, and Anthropology

V A Transition to Parenthood
V D Employment- beginning or returning to work
V E Family lifestyle
V G Maternal mental health
V H Maternal psychological/cognitive issues
V I Breastfeeding dyad relationship

VI Techniques

VI E Milk expression
VI G Refusal of bottle

VII Clinical Skills

VII A 1 feeding devices
VII A 5 Pumps
VII B 1 Active listening
VII B 2 anticipatory guidance
VII B 3 care plan development and sharing
VII B 4 Educating mothers and families
VII B 6 Emotional support
VII B 7 Empowerment
VII E 1 Advocate for BFHI
VII E 3 Advocate for mother/infant in health care system
VIII C 2 Clinical Competencies
VIII C 3 Code of Professional Conduct (CPC)
VIII C 5 WHO Code- advocacy and policy
VII D 1 Apply evidence based practice
VII E 2 Advocate for compliance with World Health Organization International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes (WHO Code)

Course contents

Open to learners carrying a valid lactation credential. Other registrants are subject to refund minus a $50 processing fee. Contact us if you have questions about your eligibility.
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