Insurance Ask Me Anything

Recorded June 24, 2024

Annie Frisbie, MA, IBCLC
Course description
Aetna coding guidelines, fair pay for lactation consultants, good faith estimates, and more!

Includes a client-friendly letter about Aetna coding guidelines and a spreadsheet for calculating potential cost-sharing when a client has an unmet deductible.
Meet the Instructor

Annie Frisbie MA, IBCLC

Annie Frisbie is the author of Paperless Private Practice for Lactation Consultants and Lactation Private Practice: From Start to Strong. She is co-author of the Crash Course into Billing and Reimbursement for Lactation Consultants. She is the creator of the Lactation Private Practice Essential Toolkit.

A self-professed privacy, health insurance, and technology nerd, Annie has been in-network with Aetna since 2017 and successfully renegotiated her fee schedule in 2023. She has been working without a biller since 2022.
Patrick Jones - Course author
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