Insurance Ask Me Anything

Recorded 1-22-24

Annie Frisbie, MA, IBCLC
Course description
Let's clear the air on coding superbills, Aetna shenanigans, that letter a bunch of us got from Cigna about out-of-network coverage, how I got in-network with United Healthcare & Anthem BCBS (and if I think it's worth it), and why I don't participate with TLN. 

Everyone who registers gets the recording with lifetime access + a decision tree for handling Aetna reconsiderations and appeals.
Meet the Instructor

Annie Frisbie MA, IBCLC

Annie Frisbie is the author of Paperless Private Practice for Lactation Consultants and Lactation Private Practice: From Start to Strong. She is co-author of the Crash Course into Billing and Reimbursement for Lactation Consultants. She is the creator of the Lactation Private Practice Essential Toolkit.

A self-professed privacy, health insurance, and technology nerd, Annie has been in-network with Aetna since 2017 and successfully renegotiated her fee schedule in 2023. She has been working without a biller since 2022.
Patrick Jones - Course author
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