Deeper Dive into the Tongue Tie Debate

Lactation Business Coaching featuring Allison Alexander, LPN IBCLC
Course Description
In which we process all of our thoughts and feelings about the AAP's recent pronouncement about tongue ties with guest expert Allison Alexander, LPN IBCLC.
About Lactation Business Coaching
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Leah Jolly IBCLC + Annie Frisbie MA, IBCLC

We know that where there’s community, there’s power - and we wanted a place where lactation business owners could join in on authentic and candid conversations about what running a business in our industry really looked like.

If you’ve been looking for a place that doesn't feel like another “boss babe” business networking event, but instead a true connection with other lactation consultants cheering you on while offering their help and experience, our Deeper Dives are for you.
Meet our Guest
Patrick Jones - Course author

Allison Alexander, LPN, IBCLC

Allison Alexander is a pediatric nurse and lactation consultant. She was in nursing school the first time she saw someone nurse a baby. From struggling to nurse her neurodivergent firstborn to navigating tongue tie and a birth injury in her second, she was driven to find answers to the questions everyone else shrugged off. Now co-owning a thriving practice in Metro Detroit, she loves helping families navigate those tough questions, finding answers and empowerment in their own feeding journeys. She jokes that she loves tackling "the weird stuff" in lactation like food allergies, oral dysfunction, reflux, poop problems, and low milk supply without obvious causes. When she's not working, you can find her knitting, reading, gardening, negotiating with her sourdough starter, and hanging out with her husband and two kids.
I love that we have the option to interact and talk directly with the presenters. I feel so inspired. Thank you!
Ali Reynolds, IBCLC, CLC

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