Private Practice Ask Me Anything

Live July 29, 2024 4pm ET/1pm PT

Annie Frisbie, MA, IBCLC
Course description
Ask me whatever you want! Charting systems, tech, insurance, AI charting tools, boundaries with clients, pricing, you name it!

Everyone who registers gets the recording with lifetime access!
Meet the Instructor

Annie Frisbie MA, IBCLC

Annie Frisbie is the author of Paperless Private Practice for Lactation Consultants and Lactation Private Practice: From Start to Strong. She is co-author of the Crash Course into Billing and Reimbursement for Lactation Consultants. She is the creator of the Lactation Private Practice Essential Toolkit.

A self-professed privacy, health insurance, and technology nerd, Annie has used all of the charting platforms known to humankind. She has a knack for figuring them out and explaining them to others.
Patrick Jones - Course author
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