Deeper Dive into Budget Forecasting

Lactation Business Coaching with Parker Stevens from Evolved Finance
Course Description
We're talking about the money with Parker Stevenson, co-owner of Evolved Finance and author of Profit Pillars: A Proven System to Maximize the Bottom Line in Your Online Business.
About Lactation Business Coaching
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Leah Jolly IBCLC + Annie Frisbie MA, IBCLC

We know that where there’s community, there’s power - and we wanted a place where lactation business owners could join in on authentic and candid conversations about what running a business in our industry really looked like.

If you’ve been looking for a place that doesn't feel like another “boss babe” business networking event, but instead a true connection with other lactation consultants cheering you on while offering their help and experience, our Deeper Dives are for you.
Meet our Guest
Patrick Jones - Course author

Parker Stevenson

Parker Stevenson is the co-owner of a bookkeeping agency called Evolved Finance. Because his company exclusively serves online entrepreneurs, he has one of the most unique behind-the-scenes perspectives into what it takes to run a profitable and healthy online business. Parker is a high-energy speaker that makes finance, operations, and business strategy both entertaining and easy to understand.

Founded in 2010, Evolved Finance began as a small, boutique bookkeeping firm and is now the go-to financial team for hundreds of six-, seven-, and eight-figure online businesses all across the U.S. Their focus on serving online businesses has allowed them to provide a customer-focused accounting experience that goes beyond just preparing for tax season.
I love that we have the option to interact and talk directly with the presenters. I feel so inspired. Thank you!
Ali Reynolds, IBCLC, CLC

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