Pushin' (P)ump Parts & Flanges

Training on use and optimization of breast pumps and accessories for supporting parents in successful milk expression.

Access through August 21, 2024

"This was really thorough and informative."
Tonja Carpenter, IBCLC, RLC, PCD(DONA)

The breast pump. One of the most common and easily accessible tools in lactation. Yet 32 years after the first double electric breast pump hit the market, we are still trying to figure out how these devices work. We understand the mechanics of the device, but how this piece of durable medical equipment integrates into the care of a dyad is still a gray area. When one is indicated and which ones may be indicated for use aren’t always as clear. In this course, we’ll cover the history, the mechanics, the tools & accessories, and real life clinical integration of this tool.  

Meet the Instructor

Nichelle Clark, IBCLC

Nichelle Clark is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), wife, and mom of two residing in Chesapeake, Virginia. She is the owner of SonShine & Rainbows Lactation Services. 
"I love teaching about pumps and all the accessories because pumping IS breastfeeding. An informed parent is an empowered parent and I love helping them weigh their options."
Born and raised in Upper Marlboro, MD, Nichelle joined the United States Navy in 2010 and served honorably for 7.5 years. When she’s not spending time with family, she serves as a United States Lactation Consultant Association (USLCA) Advisory Board Member and Clinical Lactation Journal Associate Editor. She also serves as the Virginia Breastfeeding Coalition Member-At-Large. In her spare time, she admins multiple online support groups for People of Color, providing breastfeeding support and lactation education to her community. As prior exclusive pumping mom herself, Nichelle is a champion for breastfeeding parents to write their own rules and breastfeed their way. 

Learners say 

Nichelle Clark, IBCLC is an incredible presenter and communicator.

Hannah Johnson, RN, BSN, IBCLC

Thank you to Nichelle, for this informative discussion. I feel more confident to assist any clients that I may encounter who have a desire to pump for their baby. I am grateful to the guidance and support that I will be able to offer them.

Alicia Farina, IBCLC

Such clear and helpful information. Your enthusiasm is contagious! 

Susan Manore, IBCLC, RLC

Start learning now!

Knowledge Gap
Breast pump use is not covered in many clinical competencies, thus leaving lactation professionals behind the curve in guiding implementation in lactation situations.


Discuss the history of the breast pump


Identify what motivations parents may have for pumping


Discuss the physiology of pumping
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Identify and explain the function of common pump parts


Recognize common uses and troubleshooting tips for breast pumps & their parts


Educate parents on managing milk supply via pumping
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"I did enjoy hearing all about pumps, parts, cases, and ways to help moms handle their pump and use to the best of their ability. I am thankful for all that I learned!" -- Lorie, IBCLC

IBLCE Content Outline
I Infant
A.2 Food intolerances/allergies
A.3 Infant anatomy and anatomical/oral challenges
A.8 Nutritional Requirements
A.9 Preterm development, growth, and behaviors
A.13 Stooling and voiding
B.3 Composition of Human Milk
III Pathology
VII Clinical Skills 
A.1 Feeding devices
A.2 Handling & Storage of Human Milk
A.5 Pumps
B.1 Active Listening
B.2 Anticipatory Guidance
B.3 Care Plan Development
B.4 Educating Parents
C.5 WHO Code
D.1 Apply evidence based practice
E.6 Breastfeeding in Emergency Situations

Course Lessons

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